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Understand the factors that influence Social Security benefit amounts

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Social Security was never intended to be the sole source of retirement income. Still, for most Americans, Social Security benefits will provide thousands 鈥 even hundreds of thousands 鈥 of dollars over the course of retirement. Despite its importance, people often plan for retirement without knowing what to expect from it. There are several factors that will impact the benefit amount your client can expect to receive. The exact amount will not be available until they actually file.

Earnings and the primary insurance amount (PIA)

An individual鈥檚 benefit amount is primarily determined by . This may sound straightforward, but the Social Security Administration (SSA) considers the 35 highest-earning years, adjusts them for inflation, and applies a complex formula to arrive at the worker鈥檚 primary insurance amount. This is the benefit a person can plan to receive at full retirement age (FRA), which will fall between ages 66 and 67 depending on birth year. It cannot exceed the (as adjusted annually for inflation).

However, even after claiming benefits, clients can boost their benefit amount by working when their current earnings are at least high enough to replace the lowest earnings number used in the .

Filing age

While earnings determine the PIA, this only represents the amount your client will receive if they claim benefits at their FRA. early (as early as age 62) results in a decreased benefit amount. Delaying past FRA will increase the benefit by 8 percent per year up to age 70. The benefit amount is permanent, which makes choosing when to file one of the most important retirement decisions your clients will make.

The Social Security Administration designed the reduction for to provide essentially the same total benefit as the retiree would have received filing at FRA, just in smaller amounts over more years. However, the longer your client lives, the greater the impact they can enjoy from increases they receive by waiting to file. The client鈥檚 health and life expectancy should therefore factor into filing decisions.

Inflation adjustments

The benefit amount, once claimed, is permanent 鈥 in most cases, there is nothing more your client can do to increase the benefit at that point, with a few exceptions. However, all benefits are indexed annually for inflation. In 2025, the increase was .

Tax on benefits

About of Social Security recipients pay income tax on a portion of their benefits. Benefits become taxable based on other sources of income 鈥 wages, pension, withdrawals from retirement accounts and investment income (including tax-exempt interest on municipal bonds). To determine whether benefits are , take the total income from the sources above and add half the benefit amount.

  • If the total is greater than $32,000 (joint) or $25,000 (single), up to 50 percent of the benefit is taxable
  • If the total is greater than $44,000 (joint) or $34,000 (single), up to 85 percent of the benefit is taxable

This applies to federal taxes. States may also tax Social Security benefits. Clients should consider the impact of taxation in decisions regarding continued employment.


If a client files early (before FRA) and continues to work, their benefit will be temporarily reduced based on earnings. However, once the worker reaches FRA, earnings of any amount will no longer reduce benefits. In fact, the SSA will recalculate the , giving credit for any amounts previously reduced or withheld due to excess earnings.

An estimated benefit amount

Encourage clients to create a account on the Social Security Administration website. They can verify their official earnings history and use the SSA calculator to get a rough estimate of their expected benefit at full retirement age.

You can add value by discussing the many factors that can impact this estimated amount and helping clients through important decisions related to filing age and continued employment. The estimated benefit amount can also play an important role in a broader discussion about retirement income and how to help address any anticipated gaps between income and expenses in retirement.

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Any information regarding taxation contained herein is based on our understanding of current tax law, which is subject to change and differing interpretations. This information should not be relied on as tax, legal or financial advice and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purposes of avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code. We recommend that taxpayers consult with their tax or legal professionals for applicability to their personal circumstances.

Not affiliated with or endorsed by the Social Security Administration or any governmental agency. This material contains educational information regarding the Social Security program and is not intended to promote any product or service offered by 桔子视频. The information represents a general understanding of the Social Security Program, is subject to change, and should not be considered Social Security, tax or legal advice. Consult a tax or legal professional before making any decision.